Phi Mu Delta Chapter Impact Reporting Form

Please complete this form with as much detail as possible. Your report will be reviewed, and upon approval, it may be used for press releases and other promotional materials. Thank you for your dedication to making a positive impact in your community and within Phi Mu Delta.

Chapter Name: *
Date of Report: *
Project/Initiative Name: *
Type of Initiative: *

Submitter's Name: *
Contact Email: *
Submitter's Email
Contact Phone: *
Submitter's Phone
Project/Initiative Description: *
Briefly describe the project/initiative, its objectives, and the target audience
Date(s) of Implementation: *
Dates when the initiative took place
Location(s): *
Specify where the initiative was carried out
Number of Participants *
Number of chapter members and external participants involved
Describe the Impact: *
Explain the impact this initiative had on the community, individuals, or the organization
Upload Photos: *
Upload photos that showcase the initiative